Hey! Welcome to Living Half Alive. It is here where I will shed some light onto my life's experiences and the lessons I have taken from them. Thanks for stopping by!
Here are 15 things you should know about me if you are going to hang out here.
2. I love my name Jerilyn. I believe it is Unique and Beautiful. I love meeting new people, telling them my name, and hearing their pleased and impressed responses. (I did used to hate it in grade school, because classmates used to call me Jerkalyn. Kids these days)
3. I love to cook and watch The Food Network. I love all things food. The creativity and art that comes through with food fascinates me. I currently have a huge crush on Robert Irvine. He has got it all. He is brilliant and charming, from his little lisp and overbite to his charming Engilsh accent and bulging muscles. And what he does with food? Forget it Mr.
What is not to love?
What is not to love?
We could work right? He is only 20 years my senior. Kidding. Kidding.
4. I love having red hair. But I hate that my hair is the flattest hair in the world. No matter what I try, I can't get an ounce of volume.At least I've got a brilliant shine that half makes up for it.
5. I have a total woman crush on Beyonce, Jay Lo, and Kate Hudson.
6. I am a sucker for old musicals. A love that was borne to me by my Father. My Favorite is defiantly The Sound Of Music. I think it is my favorite because I can still remember the first time he showed me this film. And I can still remember his excitement to show something he loved to someone he loved.{P.S., his favorite part is when they all come out sporting the curtains. Cute hu?}
7. I can't decide which paradise I would like to pursue, the Beach somewhere in Cali, or a Ranch where I would have to wipe the shit off my boots every time I went inside. Both locations have the potential to be my utopia. But I can't decide which would be better. I love love the beach. but I also love love horses, cowboys, ranch animals, and ranch chores. Paradise.
8. I love to read but I don't do it as much as I would like to. Everyone always says that… excusing themselves by saying they don't have to time. This is not me. I do have the time. What I lack is brain attention. See, I have a VERY hard time focusing enough to get into the character and story development in a new book. Once I am in, my brain can stick to the story and I can usually finish in one setting. But getting into the new development of a story is something my brain really struggles with. I can re-read the first chapter of a book about 5 times before it finally begins to stick. This exhaust me to the point of not wanting to pick up a book and begin again at the daunting task of getting into it.
4. I love having red hair. But I hate that my hair is the flattest hair in the world. No matter what I try, I can't get an ounce of volume.At least I've got a brilliant shine that half makes up for it.
5. I have a total woman crush on Beyonce, Jay Lo, and Kate Hudson.
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Yaaawsa. |
7. I can't decide which paradise I would like to pursue, the Beach somewhere in Cali, or a Ranch where I would have to wipe the shit off my boots every time I went inside. Both locations have the potential to be my utopia. But I can't decide which would be better. I love love the beach. but I also love love horses, cowboys, ranch animals, and ranch chores. Paradise.
8. I love to read but I don't do it as much as I would like to. Everyone always says that… excusing themselves by saying they don't have to time. This is not me. I do have the time. What I lack is brain attention. See, I have a VERY hard time focusing enough to get into the character and story development in a new book. Once I am in, my brain can stick to the story and I can usually finish in one setting. But getting into the new development of a story is something my brain really struggles with. I can re-read the first chapter of a book about 5 times before it finally begins to stick. This exhaust me to the point of not wanting to pick up a book and begin again at the daunting task of getting into it.
9. I have an immediate attraction to a man sporting a mullet or rats tail. But they have to be well groomed and neat. None of this white trash, redneck, overgrown nastay look.
Also, a man in a well groomed rugged beard makes me weak in the knees.
Also, a man in a well groomed rugged beard makes me weak in the knees.
1 word: Ravishing.
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the goooood. |
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the bad. |
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the ugly. |
10. I am deathly afraid of sharks, snakes, and heights. But spiders don’t really bother me.
11. I am a secret lover of the art. My two favorite expressions of art are dance, and anything that can be displayed on a wall {paintings, drawings, photography} but I also love music, theater, books, jewelry, food, poetry… it’s all art to me. Also, I am quite a critic. When I don't love something, I don't. And I am not afraid to voice it.
12. I love politics. I especially love studying the history of politics, specifically WWII and Communism. I don't love Communism {quite the opposite} but I spent a little over a year living in Ukraine where I fell in love with the culture. Communism is a big part of that culture. It fascinates me. I am also a passionate Constitutionalists. I love studying the Founding Fathers and I believe with all my soul in the form of government they left for us.
13. My all time favorite decade is the 80’s. I feel gyped that I didn’t get to grow up in the 80’s. {I was only 5 at the turn of the decade} The 80’s left us with many great jewels. First and foremost the music. Steve Perry, Peter Cetera, Christopher Cross, and hundreds of one hit wonders, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Second jewel the 80’s graced us with: the fashion. From the side ponies and crimped hair to the neon layered clothing and the fanny packs. Shoulder pads. It's all brilliant. I wish it would come back in full force. I also know I may be the only other person in the world that thinks the fashion was actually good looking. Thirdly: the television. They just don't make shows like they used to. Who’s the Boss? Full House and Faerie Tale Theater. Gold Jerry! Gold. And I am not even going to touch the tip of the cartoon iceberg brilliance that the 80’s favored us with.
14. I am pretty loyal to my favorite television shows, but they are few and far between. I rarely take up a new show and shows rarely meet my high up to par standards. There are currently a few shows that I spend some time watching and thoroughly enjoy. 1. Seinfeld. That to me is comedic brilliance.
2. SYTYCD. I never ever miss an episode. 3. Lost. Sawyer is so my fav. Ravishing. And most recently 4. Anything with Mr. Impossible himself, Robert Irvine. Whose missions are never really impossible. Not to him anyways.
15. I am a baseball nut. It is by far my favorite sport. And I am a diehard Marlins fan. Why the Marlins? I can hear you asking. I will tell you. On July 25, 2010 a Marlins fan was born. I was a relatively new die hard baseballer at that point in time and I was looking for a team but needed a good reason to love them. I was in Florida and my friends and I decided to go to a game {after I begged them.} It was my first MLB game and the weather could not have been more perfect.
To top it, I totally made it onto the jumbo tran not once but twice my friends. Here is the proof.
The game was close. Tied up all the way into the 11th inning. (2 innings of overtime pressure.) Long story short the Marlins, down by one loaded the bases and Helms went up to bat. Strike 2 with 2 outs left us all sweating in our seats. Helms strikes this, we loose. Helms hits, and we have a mighty good chance. He does indeed hit and we win the game 7-3. It was a unique moment in my life. The Marlins made my paramount MLB experience sublime and for that I will forever be a fan.
I hope you enjoyed those pointless facts about me. And I hope you can grow to love what I have grown into creating here at living half alive.