Happiness is...
Being with Steve.
Happiness is...
Happiness is...
Knowing that I NEVER have to go back to school.
{Side note: Happiness is also discovering who I truly am, what my values, ethics and beliefs are, and realizing that social work and me do NOT mix. And with that knowledge comes liberating happiness. I do NOT have to get a job as a social worker just because that is what my degree is in.}
Told ya'll that I hated my degree. I still need to blog more about that.
Happiness is...
Happiness is...
And the music of Tony Summerhays and Bongo Tami.
{I've totally got to blog about this place too.}
Happiness is...
Taking care of my body.
Its such a gift to have a healthy and normally functioning body. It is something I took for granted for 25 years. Once I realized what an amazing gift it is, I no longer want to take it for granted.
Happiness is...
Realizing that my dreams are worth taking the time for. Realizing how to make life wonderful and doing just that.
Linking up to one of my favorites today. The Shine Challenge.

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