I have been so inspired by the SHINE project over the past few months. My inspiration was again renewed when I watched this video.
I am certainly tossing some ideas around in my own head and my own community to make some kind of a difference. I have been so blessed with finding the source of and working hard for TRUE happiness and I would like to share that knowledge with anyone who will listen.
Will you go follow the SHINE project? And SHINE ON.

i just found your blog and i'm so inspired!! i read your about me and everything you said i feel as if i'm reading my own story. the last few months and years i have struggled with depression and sadness that it has become so overwhelming. as a mother, i always found it hard to be honest with what i was feeling because i thought that would make me a bad person. but i have come to realize that when i am truly happy and feel confident about my abilities i am able to bless others around me especially my own family. thank you so much for sharing your story! i am excited to start reading your blog and catching up :)