Monday, August 8, 2011

I’m on a roll dude.

So, like 10 days ago I knocked another off my bucket list. I would have blogged about it sooner but I was too busy having probably one of the most precious experiences of my life {for the past 20 days} which I will be blogging about as soon as my tears dry up.
Ya’ll remember my list? Well, back on August 2, I was able to knock #88. To ride a mechanical bull for 8 seconds. I totally rode one for 14 seconds actually. 

Ya, while at first I was impressed with myself I quickly learned that 14 seconds ain't nothing. I was with some 13 year old boys and one of them stayed on for  
48 seconds. 
I about died. This kid cracked me up. His face was pure determination. His head slammed into the bull with every movement. His fingers were practically ripped off. He was in so much visible pain with every second on that bull but he would not give up. This kid is a rock. And he is one of my newest heroes. I met him through the precious experience I was able to have that I somewhat mentioned above. I will, as I said, go into that story much more when I don't feel like I will just sit here and sob when I try.


  1. Hopped over here from Company Girls! That is amazing! You ROCK! Not just to "ride the bull," but to make a Bucket List and be determined to get it done. Way to go!

  2. I've never ridden a mechanical bull - afraid of whiplash I guess! Good for you to check that off your list....I need to make a bucket list myself and start getting serious about doing some of those things I've always said I wanted to do. You've inspired me!

  3. Thank you for visiting me ladies! I highly recommend making a bucket list. I learned a ton about myself and my dreams.
    And Rachel Anne, I feel like a celebrity having you visit my blog! I have blog stalked you for probably about a year now and I am amazed at all your talents. You are awesome!
    Carey, I am excited to get to know you better on One Family's Journey!


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