Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My Story… How I Found the Doc

Anyone who knows me knows that I am obsessed with the Doc. This Doc of course being Dr. Laura Schlessinger, who is referred to by us fans as the moral compass. I found her in about October of 2009 and have been obsessed ever since. At first she was pure entertainment. Her stern, no-nonsense approach to talking with people was funny. These poor callers whom she nagged to death and in some cases embarrassed I just thought were hilarious and I referred to them as pure entertainment.
At that point in my life I was quite a lost soul. I had just gotten dumped, but a very destructive man who used me, and drained the very best of me, and pretty much left me for dead.  I was unhealthy, blaming myself for his lack of human decency and cold soul-less soul. I was depressed, friendless, confused, and desperate. I was convinced that I was trash and that if this man couldn’t love me then no man could. I was very lonely and in my mind I was facing a lifetime with no love. About a year prior to this because of unrelated reasons I had turned against the God I had known and loved for my entire life. I say this to point out that I refused to turn to my God for solace. I was a wreck. I was barely making it day to day. It was all I could muster up to get out of bed half the time. Obviously, I needed an intervention.
Luckily, I was bored with regular radio, so I switched to talk radio. That is when I found her. She was the first person in my life who had ever succeeded in teaching me about life.
In the time since I have found her she has transformed me. First, she got me over my breakup. She got me over the pain, and she got me over the love that I still felt for the creep. She got me over feelings that no one could possibly love me. She got me over the loss that I felt. Then she got me thinking about my mistakes. Mistakes I had made in first off choosing him to date, and secondly the mistakes I made in the relationship. That was invaluable to me. I learned so much from that relationship that I didn’t realize was there to learn, until she pointed it out to me. Then she began to teach me about self esteem, where it comes from, how to get it and how to maintain it. Then I started to grasp the concept of being a wife, not just a wife and not just a good wife, but a perfect wife. I had never ever known how to be a good wife before I found her. No one had ever exemplified good wife-ing to me prior to her. Until the Doc, I didn’t know what it meant to be in a marriage. I didn’t know what marital vows meant or what being unselfish in a marriage looked like. Now, I am confident beyond measure that I know exactly how to make a marriage work. I know exactly how to be the perfect wife. She has taught me about men, the way they think and the way they interact with women. They way they communicate and the way they need to be treated. (Not that I will be a flawless wife, but I at least know how to be one, and have a great idea of where to begin and how to grow into it.)
Then she taught me about perspective. Not necessarily anything she has said on the subject, but more so just in observing her and the perspective she takes. She has the most interesting and wonderful perspective. She challenges the way I think for the better. She has taught me how to look for the positive in the most unpleasant of circumstances. Even things like the death of a loved one or the affair of a spouse. She has taught me about taking responsibility in situations and how the decent and good people take responsibility for their misdeeds. She has taught me about the cherished role of motherhood. She has inspired me to take that role seriously. In all her years as a professional, in all the trainings, education, and awards she has given, in all the good she has done in the past 3 decades of being on radio, the most important thing she has ever done is to be the mother to her son. She is the best parent I have ever known. She is the wisest parent I have ever known.
She is one well rounded amazing person. She has taught me to live life to the fullest. I never imagined getting out of my life what she has allowed me to see. I can't wait to live each day of my life to the fullest. I was indeed living life half of its capacity, half alive, until I found the Doc.
This blog is then my reflections and lessons I gain from interpreting something she has said into my own life. This is how I am growing as a result of her. How I am embracing life, how I am trying to be a better friend, daughter, sister, aunt, future wife and future mother. And it’s my attempt to get you all converted to the Doc. Cause in my perfect world, she would be the end all say all, the leader of us all.

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