I am an anti feminist. I try hard not to be too outspoken on this topic, because it is somewhat political. And if there is one thing I have learned, it is to never talk politics with those you love. When I am given an opportunity to put a plug into the feminist movement and how it has completely ruined our society, I try to do so gently and I choose my words very carefully, so as not to offend anyone. But it is a topic I feel very strongly about and since this is my blog, I can be as outspoken as I want to be.
Now, before I get into arguing my point to the world I want to make one thing very clear. I am not taking about the feminist movement that got rid of the notion and attitude that women were second class citizens. I am not taking about votes for women or having equal educational opportunities as men. That is not what I mean when I say feminist movement. The feminist movement I am talking about is the one that taught women to believe that masculinity is oppressive, evil and cruel. I am taking about the feminist movement that turned women into nagging and nasty wives. I am talking about the feminist movement that devalued the traditional feminine “stay at home mother” role in a marriage and family. I am talking about the feminist movement that told women that they were wasting their lives their brains and their talents by being in the home taking care of their husbands and children and that told them to get out of the house, throw their kids in daycare and go back to work. I blame 95% of the problems in our society on this movement. Let’s explore this. I have so many different points that can be made concerning this issue that I struggle with where to begin. I have however have decided to break it down into a few posts, so as not to overwhelm you too quickly.
For this part one of the anti feminist in me, I would like to discuss how the feminist movement has turned most women into abusive spouses.

What I have come to learn over the past year while listening to the Doc is that all men have a boiling point. They can only stand so much before they get a girlfriend who will talk to them, who will pay attention to them, who will show interest in them, who will adore them, who will be affectionate with them and who will have sex with them. After the affair, when the knowledge of the affair comes to the table, the man is the only one who gets any of the blame. Sure he breeched his wedding vows, and that I don't condone, but she did first. She did not love honor and cherish him. She did not respect him. She was not kind and tender with him. All of which she vowed to do. A man can only stand so much. Men are very simple creatures. They need affection, they need appreciation and compliments, the need respect, they need food, and they need sex. That’s it. If a woman fails to provide those things to her husband, and he finds it elsewhere, I see no one to blame but her. I find it arrogant and cruel to starve and neglect a man of his needs, and then become upset and kick him out when he finds other sources to meet those needs. If a man is constantly nagged, lectured, belittled, and denied sex, eventually he will stop coming home. But the feminist movement has taught women how to be selfish and how to be self reliant and independent of men. Instead of teaching women how to make wise decisions in their men, it has taught them how to pick poorly, and then beat their men to death trying to change him into what they wanted in the first place. I pity men. I feel sorry for what they have to put up with in marriages. Men can no longer compliment their wives without their wives thinking they are making sexual advances towards them. And heaven forbid they make any kind of sexual advances in a marriage. The woman is to decided when, where and how often. Womanly wiles that have the power to wrap men around the fingers of women are gone. Instead, in their place there is nagging, bitching, and neglect. The idea that the stay at home mother is the lowest form of society has ruined us. It's a shame, because it was never about a woman being a slave to her man, it was about each partner playing their part in the marriage. He protects and provides and she nests. Neither is superior to the other and neither is oppressive. But the feminist movement told us that nesting is oppressive and men are therefore evil and cruel for expecting that of a woman, and have spent the last 30-40 years punishing men for expecting that of us. The truth of the matter is, its nature. It's biology. Men conquer and protect by nature. Women have maternal instincts to nest. To punish a man for that biological setup is just evil. I feel so sorry for men to have to live in the world of feminists.
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