The feminist movement, in my opinion is responsible for a lot of the demise and chaos in our society. I have a few theories as to how I think this happened, in which I am trying to put forward in these feminist movement series of blog postings. But I wanted to take this time to explain myself, so as not to shock or offend anyone with my bold opinion. I want to remind everyone that when I say feminist movement, I don't mean the one that made men and women equals. I don’t mean that women shouldn’t become educated or that they don't belong in the work force and don't deserve to vote and shouldn’t wear blue jeans. Don't misunderstand. What I mean is the feminist movement that betrayed women’s nature. That told women that staying at home to be mothers and wives is a waste of a woman’s talents, education, and ultimately her life. The movement that brushed aside the developmental needs of children and decided that institutionalized daycare could replace the warmth and care of a mother. Feminist women who are selfish and demanding of their husbands without giving anything back, treat their husbands poorly and then complain when husbands drift or leave when it is largely their own doing. That is the feminist movement that I am against.
So, how did the feminist movement make women betray their nature? Well, way back when, when men and women were first created by God, he created with them natural strengths and roles to play that would complement each other. The man hunted. He prides himself in being able to take care of and protect his woman, to get food for her, to provide shelter and clothing for her, to be her big and strong man. Women also had a role to play. By their very nature they are feminine, they are dainty, nurturing and beautiful. They nest. They take care of the home and the children.

He hunts and protects, she cooks and nurtures, and together they are a family. They each have roles to play, neither more important than the other. Equal, just different. That idea in and of itself is not condescending towards men or women. It's just that each is part of a team, man plays position A and woman plays position B. Both are equally important to the team, neither superior. Up until the feminist movement, men and women were both totally satisfied and happy to be fulfilling their natural gender roles, the ones God intended and created for them. Men and women respected
each other. But all of a sudden, the feminist movement began to put the idea into woman’s mind that these roles are condescending towards women. All of a sudden the feminist movement turned these roles, which were once looked at as teamwork, into competition. Now all of a sudden women are not as good as men. It’s condescending to a woman to tell her she can't fulfill role A the way the man can. It’s condescending to keep her locked up in a house all day to do the cooking and the cleaning and to take care of her man when he comes home, role B. All of a sudden, women start playing role A and men are playing role A. Now there is no one playing role B. What happens to the “teamwork” of getting both roles played? Now a marriage becomes a competition. Who contributes the most money? Who worked harder during the day? Who deserves a break from putting the kids to bed and doing the dishes? So now that we don't have anyone fulfilling both of the roles God created for man, but we have role A overload, two things happen. Resentment comes first, because instead of working as a team together to fulfill each role, you start acting like you’re in competition with your spouse. After resentment comes hate, with holding of affection and sex, and ultimately divorce. Now, as a Christian, I believe that with marriage being CENTRAL to God’s plan, divorce is CENTRAL to Satan’s plan. In my religious opinion, which can be taken or discounted at will, I believe Satan was behind the feminist movement because he knew that with divorce, and no one to play role B, destruction would ensue. I will go over this more in detail in future postings, I just wanted to explain a little more about how women betrayed their nature by this wonderful thing we like to call the feminist movement.
long live traditional gender rolls!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnother analogy of different but equal roles is breathing. You have to breath in and you have to breath out in order to fully breath. In-breaths and out-breaths are different things but are both essential to breathing. I like how that clarifies the separate but equal roles of men and women.
ReplyDeleteI think you and I can both appreciate that there are differnt family situations. Sometimes both parents have to work, sometimes the dad stays at home, etc. But the attitude behind feminism is the real killer. And I think you explained that beautifully in this post. Comparing and competing are deadly in a marriage. In fact, Steven R. Covey said there are 4 cancers that will inevitably tear down any organization, whether it be a marriage, family, business, etc. These cancers are 1. Comparing, 2. Competing, 3. Complaining, 4. Criticizing. Interesting to think about.
I think you are darn neat.
I really appreciate and echo your comments! I do agree that sometimes having a SAHM is not possible, and SAHD are great too, but overall, it is the attitude that is the killer! Thanks for the imput Jess!
ReplyDeleteyeah, the feminist in me strongly disagrees with a lot of this post. Not so say I think you are wrong in your opinion and belief, it is yours to have, I'm just offering a different perspective.
ReplyDeleteI think the big problem came into effect when men were dominating the relationship, rather then respecting. When women were not allowed to have a public voice, not even allowed to vote, it eventually caused a backlash, which some women took to an extreme. understand my perspective comes from, having been born into such a situation, where father was ALWAYS right, and mother was put down in front of the children. Women were not meant to be doormats any more then men are meant to be doormats.
I agree that role A and B needs to be played, but I don't think that it has to be done in a traditional way. Take for example, gay relationships, where this theory of male rolls and female rolls become null and void, they decide who and how they will play the rolls, and do it efficiently. I very much believe that I can do anything a man can do, but that a man can do anything I can do (with the exceptions of physical limitations like child birth and whatnot). I have the full intention of being successful in a financial sense, but my child comes first. I have no problem putting my child into a daycare/preschool with a curriculum that I cannot offer, with social growth opportunities that I cannot offer. Should I get to the point that my work load and income justifies it, my husband will stay at home with our child, we have both agreed on this, and hope that it happens, since he is just as nurturing as I am, and would love to build that relationship with our daughter as well. some say that is me being a feminist and emasculating him, but who are they to judge and assume they know what is best for our child?
I don't think we can blame family dysfunction and divorce on a feminist movement. Individual families should figure out what works for them, and not worry about what society tells them.
Lets be totally honest, Dr. Laura is a strong feministic woman, who brings home the bacon, who has very obviously been playing role 'A.' she is a strong and boisterous woman who uses her voice to influence others. I believe she has found the healthy balance that needs to happen in any family, so that the children get what they need to be the best they can be.
I say that as long as balance and equality exist, then it does not matter if it's male or female influence...balance is just moderation, moderation in all things is a rule I try to live my life by!
Frieda, I appreciate your input and your point of view. I wanted to agree with a few of the points that you made, first being the dominating male role that can sometimes be present in a marriage, your parents' marriage is one such example. This kind of behavior is not acceptable in a marriage. The idea that women are second class and they have no say in a marriage is wrong. I am glad the feminist movement helped those women to become stronger. I believe that women should have equal say in a marriage and that decisions should be discussed and decided on together. That is not anything I have a problem with in terms of the feminist movement. Thanks for bringing up that point. Also, I agree that dads can be SAHD and be equally nurturing and that can be good and also lots of fun for both father and child. I agree with you that each family should find a good balance and do what is right for them. I don't find any problem with roles A and B being played by either party, just so long as they are both played and one not be overplayed than the other. I just have a problem with the attitude that role B is a negative role to play and it isn't a priority.
ReplyDeleteI like your perspective though. You brought some things to my attention that I had not specifically thought of. I appreciate that.
I agree with your statement about roll B. It's absurd that it gets a negative view...and when the kids that SHOULD have been better nurtured end up rebelling in a dangerous way, the parents play act shocked...LAME!! Roll B is vital, and I can for sure see how the feminist movement had aided in the negative view of roll B. :0)