Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Feminist Movement. Part 3. The Divorce Epidemic

The feminists, created by this movement are so concerned with being “independent” and “self reliant” that they have become disrespectful of the traditional gender role a man plays. They are so worried about having to “rely” on a man that they no longer have respect for role A and role B that make up a family. Go check out my posting "The Feminist Movement Defined: The Biology of Gender Roles" for a better explanation on this, in case you missed that earlier post. These women instead of respecting their biological role, are more concerned with fending for themselves and loose all respect for the men they marry who are trying to play that role. Another disclaimer I would like to make; I do think it’s important that a woman be prepared to take care of herself and her family in case of a family tragedy. I do think women should be educated. I do think they should be prepared to provide for a family in case their husbands are no longer able to fulfill role A. But I don't think that a woman should take on the role of providing financially for a family if a man is able to do that. Failure to play these natural gender roles is going to result in a very unhappy marriage, and/or ultimately… Divorce. I want to quote/paraphrase something I once heard the Doc say… I was really struck by this,  

When a man doesn’t feel like a man, and his woman doesn’t make him feel like a man, and when a woman doesn’t feel like a woman, and her man doesn’t make her feel like a woman, just like you have in a dual income family, what you’ve got are 2 neutral people who are just going to fight. Because it is unnatural not to play the parts of your gender roles and it gets competitive fast. The feminist mentality does not express joy in femininity and masculinity. It denies that there is a difference, or if there is, it is not relevant. And certainly that masculinity is nothing to be proud of. And femininity is something that you have to submerge, because it’s more important to be at work.

So, women who choose to play the natural male role are never quite satisfied, because they were born to play the female role. They then decide to take this unsatisfactory feeling out on their husbands, and at no fault of his is she feeling this way. He is punished and scapegoated for no good reason. I went over this much more in "The Feminist Movement. Part 1. The Abusive Spouse," how the feminist movement created abusive spouses. If this guy dare to challenge his woman, he is emotionally abusive. We throw that emotionally abusive term around all too frivolously. There are 3 good reasons for divorce. Addiction, Abuse, and Adultery. Besides that there is no good reason to ruin the lives of innocent children. Unhappiness is NOT a good reason for divorce. Falling out of love is NOT a good reason for divorce. Those things should be dealt with until the last child is 18. If reconciliation is not possible after that, divorce is warranted. But until then, a couple should work at marriage, turn towards each other and not against each other, and work on respecting each other in their respective gender roles. For the sake of children, who have so much more to deal with in this world, that they don't need to have the stress, strain and heartbreak of a broken home. Women who leave the home to work, eventually end up in unhappy marriages. Unhappy marriages, because of the feminist movement and the feeling of entitlement and power a woman has over a man almost always end in divorce. Divorce is terribly detrimental and devastating to children. I speak from experience as I am the victim of a divorce, and for no good reason. Too many women feel it is their RIGHT to seek happiness outside of the marital unit that they have already created and made vows towards. That is the idea that has been put into woman's heads via the feminist movement. I feel they don't have any right to do that. They make a decision that devastates many lives, and typically not another soul has any say in it. That is morally wrong, in my never to be humble opinion.
Bottom line, most feminist women are selfish, and all too often they throw away perfectly good husbands, and devastate the lives of their children because they believe they have a right to disregard their vows and look for the greener grass they believe is on the other side.

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