Friday, April 29, 2011

30 Days of Photographs. Day 1

I saw someone else do this 30 days of photographs and I wanted to copy cat it. But I have changed some of the photo requirements to ones I liked better. I wont be posting for 30 days in a row... But for the next little bit look for pictures I have prepared for you to help you get to know me just a little better, and that showcase my life, and things that bring me happiness. 

Day 1: A picture of me accompanied by 10 facts about me.

1. I have never been in a car accident as a driver. And only once as a passenger. This is the picture of my battle wounds. I got in a car accident while in a taxi in Ukraine. My face smashed {hard} into the seat in front of me, as you can see. And somehow, the back seat I was sitting on lifted and my shoe got tangled on a hook underneath the seat and then the seat came back down for us to sit on all within half a second. When I started to gain my bearings I was unaware that the seat had lifted and I was so freekin confused how my foot/shoe got tangled underneath a car’s backseat. It took quite some time to understand that the seat was not secure and could be lifted and we lifted me to freedom. Thank goodness I didn’t smash my ankle under that seat.

2. My 3 favorite places on the planet: Lake Tahoe and Lovers Beach in Cabo San Lucas and of course Disneyland.

3. I will not touch animals and pets of any kind and I would NEVER own one… except for one animal {one that I can't get enough of} Horses. I will be a horse owner someday.
4.I miss Russian with all my heart. I wish it was as commonly spoken as Spanish.

5. I don't own a single Apple product, including an iPod. I have an MP3 player that serves just fine. And I don't have to have iTunes to use it. {I really don't like how you have to have everything Apple to use anything Apple}

6. I get annoyed much easier than I get angry but usually when I am annoyed people think I am angry. I display the wrong emotion it seems. I should work on that. What are annoyed emotions supposed to display themselves as I wonder?

7. I am NOT a morning person, I am a night owl. If you talk to me within 15 minutes of me waking up, I will most likely be rude to you. Sorry, I am not thinking very rationally yet.

8. I am a total germophobe and I hate public bathrooms more than anything.

9. I would give anything right now for a Sharma and a box of Cherry Juice from Ukraine.

10. A perfect, and I do mean perfect day for me would consist of sitting in the sunshine at a Marlins game with sunglasses, good friends and all the Shirley Temples I could drink. I will however settle for any baseball game.

Stay tuned for 29 more days of pictures :) 

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