Friends want to experience each other’s joys and heartaches as part of bonding with and mending each other. I have watched [my friend] put herself out for me, stand up for me, and bend over backwards to make me happy. I am one lucky woman to have such a blessing in my life. Friends - really good friends - are a rare commodity: you have to have just the right chemistry, attitude, understanding, forgiveness, openness, kindness, and thoughtfulness. A good friend brings all that out in you. A good friend makes you a better person…… Good friends have each other’s best interests at heart and accept each other’s quirks with humor… And consider yourself very fortunate if you have someone who resonates with you in this lifetime. Reference
Few people in my life have taught me about true friendship. I have been able to make many friends over my high school and college years, but few of them have remained. Few of them I would feel comfortable turning to, seeking advice from. Few of them have taught me about real life. Few of them have stuck by me despite my not always loyal actions. Those few, who have been there for me, have taught me mountains about true friendship. Those few, are girls with whom I can share my inner world. Those friends deserve the best life has to offer. Those friends deserve to be publicly thanked, recognized, and noticed for their contribution to my life. I am a different person having known these 4 gals. Through these girls I am blessed. There are hundreds of different qualities true friends have, these girls have many of those qualities. But as I think of each of them, one quality really comes quickly to mind. Girls, I want you to know the strengths I see in you. Girls, you are my true friends. Girls, here is to you.
"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." -Unknown
This girl has Loyalty.

"A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself." -Unknown
This girl is Genuine.
Jessi is pretty legit. We met senior year of high school. Prior to our meeting I admired her from afar for quite some time, thinking she was out of my league for friendship. She was the most talented and beautiful girl in school. She was the girl that everyone looked up to. I don't remember how we met, but when we did this girl immediately embraced me. I was flattered to say the least. This girl had the opportunity to be friends with anyone, the cream of the crop. Yet she never for a moment ever made me feel less than that. I myself never thought I was cream of the crop, but she did. Over the years I have realized that she has thousands of friends, yet she has the most amazing talent of making you feel like the center of her universe when she is with you. This girl has come to mean a lot to me over the years. She is wise beyond her years and has given me wells of very useful advice. She is strong beyond normal human strength and I found strength in my heartache by the strength she showed in her heartache. This girl is very close to God and her faith has strengthened my own. This girl is creative and has the Midas touch, anything she does turns into beauty. This girl is considerate and has done a lot that has buoyed my spirits over the years. I love this girl. I look up to her. I'm glad that she chose me.
[Oh, and this girls mamma… one of the most charming people there is to be around. Her influence can be felt immediately. Jackie has no idea how much I look up to and appreciate the person she is!]
“A good friend will bail you out of jail. A GREAT friend is one who sits beside you and says ‘Wow that was fun!’”
This girl is fun.
"Friends are God's way of taking care of us." -Unknown
This girl is supportive.
Truer words could never have been spoken about this girl. Kristen and I met in 2004 while working together at the girl’s camp. We became friends. We got along well, we laughed together… a lot. We invented Sir Pooka and Sir Hollar, at what was certainly the funniest cookout known to man. After the camp was over she went her way and I went mine. Our lives took us in very different paths and we didn’t really stay in touch. We had a small sabbatical we like to say. About a year ago, for some reason (not really some reason—I'm certain that it was because God told her to) she fairly randomly invited me to her birthday party. She didn’t know this at the time, but I had just broken up with the boyfriend, and almost all the friends I had took his side, leaving me with basically no friends. I mean I had friends but I didn’t have any friends that I could hang out and have a social life with. I shyly went to her birthday party, praying that it could be a place I could make friends and she warmly answered my prayer. She took me under her wing, introduced me to her circle of friends, and stood as a beacon of light in my pretty dark world. A year later, she is one of my besties. The changes in my life that this girl is responsible for are have completely one eighty-ed my life. She acted in many ways as a crutch until I could stand on my own. She never judged me for who I was and only inspired me to become better. She took a desire I had gave me the perfect situation with which to foster that desire. I am a better person because of this girl. I have many friends because of this girl. And possibly best of all, I found a travel companion in this girl. I owe this girl.
The Doc also said,
Frankly, friends are a necessary part of life, and there are all levels of friendships, from acquaintances with whom you can share experiences, to dear friends with whom you can share your inner world.
Thanks to my girls, with whom I can share my inner world.
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