Monday, May 2, 2011

Because goals are important.

It is May 1st kiddos. And you know what that means. It's 3 in 30 time. 

Because goals are important.
First a quick review of last month’s progress:
Now, last month I chose to wash my face every night {a 3 step process, 1: Eye makeup remover, 2: Cleanser and 3:Toner} I also chose to stay on a budget {$75 dollars a week can be spent on non-necessities} and the third one I chose to keep to myself. 

Goal #1 I was for sure the most successful on. I only didn’t wash my face 2 nights the whole month because I was soooo tired, and I washed my face the next morning to make up for it. This one I really think turned into a habit. Even on those nights when I didn’t want to do it, 2 things kept me going. The fact that I put it on my blog which turned it into a commitment and the fact that I have no idea what my face would look like with a clear complexion and I am curious to know. I have no memories of my face looking clear. (Only like 10 more days according to mother.)

Goal #2 the budget is a work in progress. I am not perfect with this one but I am doing tons better. I can now distinguish between wants and needs and my wants are being limited and I am being held accountable. I feel that in no time, I will tackle my overspending problem and maybe grow up just a little.

Goal #3 was for sure the worst because I didn’t publicize it. I now know that my goals are better accomplished when I hold myself accountable to someone {my readers, whomever you are} thanks for holding me accountable.

This month, having learned something from this experience, I will be choosing my goals very carefully. I have found that when it is something that can be done every day it is more likely to get done. Those goals are easier turned into habits. So, without further adieu the goals I have for the month of May:

 Goal #1 to implement a bed time.
I already know this one is going to be HARD for me. As I have previously mentioned I am a night owl. Actually as we speak as I type this up it is 2:51 AM and I have to get up at 7:30. I do this all too often. I get my sleep way out of whack and way inconsistent all too often. This leads to lots of groggy problems and naps at really bad times. So, I am going to make it a goal to be in bed, lights out at 11:00 PM on Sunday through Thursday. This will help me get up for work with a better nights sleep than I am currently getting and have a plethora of healthy results. This will be super difficult for me but I am up for the challenge. When we work hard to better ourselves we can best respect ourselves. That makes me happy. My weekends will allow for a later bedtime. I am thinking 1:00 AM.

Goal #2 is to read for at least an hour every day Monday through Friday. I totally have time to do this and the current pile of books I have that I want to read might actually get read after all. Weekends I am not going to force, but I more than likely still will read on the weekends because of my third goal.

Goal #3 is that I am going to minimize the television watching significantly. I have decided that I am only going to allow myself to watch television or movies on Sundays. {And knowing my typical Sunday routine, I bet that I will probably be taking naps over watching the tube.}

So there you have it ladies and gents. Starting today my 3 goals. Wish me luck, I am going to need it. But I feel ready for the challenges I have chosen and know that they will result in good things for me.
I will keep you all up to date on my progress.

What are your 3 in 30’s?

3in30 I'm In!!

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