Monday, May 23, 2011

30 Days of Photographs. Day 4

Day 4: A picture of your claim to fame.

Get ready for this one. It's huge. In all its 1999-ness.
Do you remember Corbin Allred?
You know, the star from Teen Angel.
And that guy who played tiny parts on Anywhere But Here, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, and that starred in Diamonds and Saints and Soldiers?  
{If you don't, its ok. I think only about 100 people know who he is.}
But regardless, he was in a real movie and I met him in real life. 
I was a sophomore at the time, and his little sister just happened to be on my high school swim team. So for a swim team fundraiser/garage sale, she got him to come and sign autographs.
I thought I was the shiz cause I got to meet a real actor.  
{Even though I'd never seen an episode of Teen Angel. And his parts in Robin Hood and Anywhere But Here total about 30 seconds. And I didn't know why he was famous until other people told me.} 
I didn't care. In all my 16 year-old-ness I thought the only thing that was important in life was being famous or meeting famous people or something lame like that. I've come so far since then. Ha. HA. HA. 
So, anyways, this was pretty much my claim to fame for a while. I knew Corbin Allred's sister and I met Corbin Allred not once but TWICE  
{besides said garage sale I also went to his house for a swim team party and he talked to me in an Australian accent, cause he went there on his mission.}  
Ya, like I said. I thought this made me legit. 
Everyone else was playing it soooooo cool. Then I looked like this:

Look at all the background people. So disenchanted.
I will admit that half of that face is me goofing off and half of it is really, "Look at me, I am the coolest. Some actor named Corbin Allred is standing next to me."

And here is one more of me being a total smart alec. 
{In honor of his movie Robin Hood, I bought that belt from the garage sell and made it my "chastity belt" for years afterwords. Now its in my Halloween costume box.}

I know you all think I'm like a whole lot cooler now. 

I have one more claim to fame that I have to share. 
So, the summer after I graduated {2003} I took my senior trip to NYC. I went with about 30 of my classmates and had the time of my life. That was my first trip to the Big Apple and have been obsessed since. 
We went to 4 Broadway shows in our week there. One of which was a brand new musical called Hairspray. 
The week prior to us being there this new show had just won the Tony for Best Musical of 2003. 
I'm sure you have all heard of this show because of that stupid movie that absolutely did nothing for the original.
Well, I saw it long before it became popular. I saw it long before John Travolta slaughtered the character that he should have been portraying. I saw it with the original cast.  {very proud of that, can you tell?}
The original Tracy Turnblad was none other then the amazing Marissa Jaret Winokur. 
When we got there and were reading the Playbill prior to showtime we realized that Marissa Jaret Winokur was in Never Been Kissed.
I was immediately starstruck.
My first time in the Big Apple and my first Broadway show I already am in the same building as a real live movie star. 
I felt like a million bucks, as I'm sure you can imagine.
Well, after the show we heard that the cast would be signing autographs outside so we lined up and waited. Clearly. Would you expect anything less from a starstruck 18 year old? 
Well, not only did I meet her and got her autograph I also met and got the autograph of the original and far superior Edna Turnblad played by none other than  
Harvey Fierstein {whom I immediately recognized as one of the gunkles from Mrs. Doubtfire} Starstruck indeed. 
I have pictures of Harvey signing autographs but he wouldn't pose for pictures. 
But I do have this picture of me posing with Marissa. 
What the hizzle my nizzle was I thinking with that hairdo? Don't judge that ok? Just appreciate the starstruck 18 year old and her claim to fame. 
Oh, and I have both of their autographs on my playbill. Just thought you should know.

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