Friday, May 13, 2011


Since I'm stuck in bed there isn't much I can blog about. You get the topic of sprained ankle one more time.

So. This laying-in-bed-all-day thing is boring. And I am officially getting bed sores because I can't really change positions much.

Crutches are difficult to balance on. Phew. And they kinda hurt my pits a lot.

I {this is hard for me to admit} stink. I can't shower cause I can't stand. I have yet to figure out how I'm going to bathe, but I've about hit that point. The point of no return. The clean yourself now or throw up point. I wasn’t anticipating the difficulty in keeping my hygiene up. I mean I've been hopping everywhere so how am I supposed to hop over a footand-a-half of what might as well be a mountain so that I can get into the tub. And once I am in, sure I can sit but it’s tough to get up and down with 1 foot. But then again, standing runs the risk of slipping. And then once I am done how do I dry myself off while on crutches? I guess we will soon find out. I stink too bad not to. 

I am officially in love with this book. 
{Dream When You're Feeling Blue by Elizabeth Berg}

 It is brilliant. Set in WWII {which is a time in history I am obsessed with} it is the story of a family of young girls who send their boyfriends and fiancés off to war. It is absolutely brilliant with everything that a good novel should contain. Romance, history, humor, fashion, and beloved characters. I think I'm going to be awake pretty much all night finishing this bad boy. It comes highly recommended from this girl:

Me in Honduras. May 2008

I am getting really good at hopping.

My gnarly scrape is looking even more gnarly. {See Exhibit A} But it kind of makes laying on my side difficult. When it touches my other knee it stings. 
{Exhibit A}

My ankle is getting some good R&R. I have been icing it for 20 minutes every 3 hours {except for when I was sleeping through the night} I am keeping it elevated and I am keeping it compressed.  I am babying it back to health because I’ll be dammed if I can't play in my next game on Tuesday due to a stupid sprain. Forget that.

The bruising hasn’t really showed up yet. But that ankle bracelet ten year old sister made me is cute, hu? {Except that right now it is hiked up so that you can see my wound. Usually its in a much better location. 

My room is getting very messy. Anyone who knows me knows that I like CLEAN and ORGANIZED. It's killing me that I have to throw things around and that can't pick up my bedroom. But things just keep getting thrown around.

Stay tuned lovies.{But not for more ankle stuff, cause its pretty much old news now. For much more interesting stuff}

1 comment:

  1. I'm totally going to read that book! It looks amazing! I hope you get feeling better soon!


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